How Can You Be Involved?

The Sagamore Leadership Initiative is about shaping future generations of leaders. But we cannot do that without considerable help from you, our partners.

In fact, those parents, coaches, church and community leaders who have personally witnessed the impact of the Sagamore Leadership Initiative in the lives of their young people often become our strongest advocates and supporters.

Any student-focused organization is faced with considerable challenges. There's always the need for chaperones, small group leaders, transportation help, and any specific connection or personal skill set you may have that would further the efforts of what we're doing.

Also, pursuing the level of excellence for which the Sagamore Leadership Initiative is known does not come without considerable cost. We're continually in need of people who recognize the value of what the Sagamore Leadership Initiative offers and are willing to financially support that effort.

If you would like to be involved in this effort, please click here and let us know of your interest so that we can keep you informed about any specific needs we currently have. Thank you!