Leading For Good Video Curriculum

The "Leading For Good" Curriculum is a library of video-based leadership lessons designed for middle school, high school, and college-student audiences. Our library currently includes 34 videos, with plans to continually add more. 

The curriculum is designed to provide maximum impact and flexibility. The full curriculum is built to fill two, full school-year semesters. At the same time, each video has a stand-alone quality where showing and discussing just one video can make a positive impact. 


We’re glad you’re here, and are excited for you to experience the "Leading For Good" curriculum. Click through the 3 links below to learn more. . .


There are 17 distinct lessons in the library, and each lesson includes 2 video “conversations”plus the accompanying facilitator’s guide.  These components equip the facilitator as they walk their group of young leaders through the topic, and can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time. 

The "Leading For Good" Curriculum is available to license and download today, either in its entirety, or as a curated subset of lessons. If you have more questions or would like to make a purchase, contact Jonathan Mayo at 317-850-5453 or jonathan.mayo@sagamoreleadership.org.